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Psoriasis Treatment

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune skin disease that speeds up the growth cycle of skin cells in days rather than weeks and requires a specific Psoriasis medication to treat it. As these skin cells pile up on the surface of your skin, they cause raised, red or silvery, scaly patches to appear on the affected skin as a symptom. There is scalp Psoriasis and nail Psoriasis. Psoriasis lesions are also most prevalent on the elbows, knees, lower back, palms, and soles of feet. Psoriasis is a skin condition that occurs mostly in adults but can develop at any age and most often between the ages of 15-35 and require specific prescription meds for Psoriasis. Though rare, 10-15% of Psoriasis reactions (Psoriasis rx) and cases can also appear in children before the age of 10.

There are 5 different types of moderate Psoriasis including, Guttate psoriasis which appear as small dot-like lesions, Inverse Psoriasis, which appear mainly in folds of skin, Pustular Psoriasis which appear as blisters surrounded by red skin, Erythrodermic, a more severe Psoriasis usually prominent all over the body, and the most common severe Plaque Psoriasis, which affects between 80-90% of people living with Psoriasis.

Symptoms of Psoriasis on hands - get the treatment you need from a Psoriasis pharmacy

What are the Psoriasis symptoms?

Psoriatic disease has a typical appearance that is easily diagnosed by a Psoriasis pharmacist or dermatologist. Psoriasis symptoms come in many forms, but the most common Plaque Psoriasis will show as raised silvery or red patches that may feel like skin irritation and, in some cases, lead to a painful skin condition.

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About 11% of those diagnosed with Psoriasis have also been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis.

Regardless of which degree of psoriasis severity a patient is experiencing, studies also show that Psoriatic disease can potentially increase the risk of other medical conditions including eye problems, stiff joint pain, weight gain, and more.

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What triggers Psoriasis?

Certain triggers such as stress, cold and dry weather, tobacco, and heavy alcohol consumption can cause normal to moderate Psoriasis or mild Psoriasis to appear on the affected skin.

How Triggers Psoriasis

How can it be treated?

A Psoriasis patient can have this lifelong disease with no current cure, however, there are many Psoriasis medications and plaque psoriasis treatments to prevent a flare-up and future breakouts with the right Psoriasis treatment. These can include:

  • Topical steroids – These creams and gels serve as a topical therapy and can help reduce inflammation and relieve itching.
  • Vitamin D Analogs – This topical treatment in a form of cream/gel can be rubbed onto the skin to help slow skin cell growth.
  • Topical Retinoids – Topical Retinoids can help inhibit cell growth and have anti-inflammatory properties to aid in the treatment for a Psoriasis patient.
  • Topical calcineurin inhibitors (TCI) – TCI is a topical medication that typically acts on the immune system to help reduce skin inflammation.
  • Moisturizers – Moisturizers are typically used to help reduce dryness of the skin.
  • Salicylic Acid – Salicylic Acid acts as an exfoliate and helps to unclog pores on the skin.

When psoriasis flares suddenly occur, over-the-counter topical treatment, moisturizers, cleansers can provide immediate, temporary relief:

  • Fast-Acting Itch Relief – Reduces itchiness, skin scaling, flaking, redness, and other clear signs of irritation that are all too common with psoriasis.
  • Symptom Reduction – Reduces current symptoms and discomfort, while also preventing recurrent flare-ups through a complex, dermatologist-recommended formula.
    Skin Barrier Restoration – Ceramides, which have been carefully formulated to mimic the body’s natural skin barrier, restores, supports, and maintains our natural defense against impurities and dryness.
  • Irritation-Free Formula – Fragrance-free, non-comedogenic and non-irritants to avoid clogged pores for even the most sensitive skin types to enjoy.
  • Hydration & Softness – As a final touch, our cleansers leave you with moist, healthy, and silky smooth skin. Apotheco moisturizers are the perfect combattant to dry, irritated skin, whether from psoriasis, eczema, the harsh climate, or another force altogether.

Our dermatology pharmacists recommend using products that have the following ingredients to help with treating Psoriasis:

  • Clobetasol
  • Hydrocortisone
  • Triamsinolone
  • Halobetasol

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